TCL Celebrates another Successful Apprentice
TCL Group has always encouraged apprenticeships on its long term projects. Apprenticeships are a great way to harness new talent into the industry as well as giving people a chance to learn new skills.
TCL Group has always encouraged apprenticeships on its long term projects. Apprenticeships are a great way to harness new talent into the industry as well as giving people a chance to learn new skills.
The course was designed to give real life experience of a business environment to young apprentices many of whom have never been inside a working business environment.
TCL Group were recently featured in the The Decorator Magazine which is produced by the Painting and Decorating Association.
TCL Group have successfully completed refurbishment works to the external and internal toilets at Alexander McLeod Primary School, Greenwich.
TCL Group recently completed a conversion of the old Woolwich Library into the new Greenwich Local Labour and Business Centre. GLLaB is a local labour initiative that works in partnership with employers and a range of organisations to maximize job opportunities for local people and secures business opportunities for local companies.